Friday, July 27, 2012

Out of Sight, Out of My Mind!!

What happens when you turn your head for a second? What are you missing? Ask that question and most people just look confused- but ask that question to someone with an almost 2-year-old, named Lily Grace, and her momma will laugh half hysterically. Trouble occurs when you turn your back to Lily Grace! And I have several pictures of her in various stages of undress- her favorite thing to do when your not watching- to prove my point!

Now, when Chloe is in the swing- and the swing is not directly in my visual field, things happen. Most of the time it's fine...

and even sweet....

they are having fun.... or LG is anyway....

but hey how does this come off...

mom, you're spoiling my plans go away!
I mean she looks like she's being thwarted!

And then there are meals! This is what happens in three minutes worth of mom's inattention- and it was exactly 3 minutes- my Lean Cuisine timed this one out. I'm all ready to eat, and turn to walk to the table and find this....
Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted to eat your lunch hot? Well I wanted to make mine into a yogurt facial.. It feels quite nice actually...

Toddlers! They are only so sweet smelling because they are constantly being washed down.

But they are fun and all of these shenanigans make me smile...and sigh...but mostly smile!

So do sweet, quiet moments like these....
Don't you just want to lean in and bury your face in her little neck and take a deep breath? Just breathe in the fresh smell of new baby. If I could bottle it I'd be a zillionaire. This is what I enjoy the most at this age- the cuddle time :) If anyone needs some quiet, cuddle time, come on over- it's good for the soul! My rocker is always available :)

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