Monday, April 29, 2013

A Boys Life

Where the Wild Things Are? Where are those wild things? In an upstairs bedroom of my house apparently!

On Friday morning I went upstairs to attend to the baby but made a pit stop in the boys room.

I was a little over come by their world as I stumbled into their boy-cave. Instead of pitching a fit first thing in the A.M. though, (who wants to wake up to that?) I took pictures and tried to appreciate the evidences of little boy that was pocketed all over their room. They didn't mind at this age but I'm sure the pictures would not have been appreciated if they were more pre-teen.

LIFE SPEEDS BY AT TOO FAST A PACE! And though it seems strange I find myself already saddened by their growing up like I was a year away from empty nesting... my oldest is 8.. get a grip momma :)

But, "Hey!", as Si on Duck Dynasty would say, I love my kids and the more I am around them the less I want to be without them! A break here or there is nice but I still miss them when they are gone. I really like the people they are becoming and I'm grateful in this season to be their momma.

Back to the original point- boy caves. Here is a pictorial journey into the lives of my two little men- enjoy!

The two offenders resting peacefully. Ben is on the top bunk with the remnants of his boy-made tee-pee just hanging on. He's sleeping backwards, that is a foot at the top of the ladder.

Ben's dresser top. Some kind of card collection out of its notebook. A cub scout derby car. Rolled coins and other various trinkets and treasures.

Baseball and feather treasures!

A block city for ninjagos and their gear. And yes there is a pair of socks and some underwear resting there too.

Jay's dresser- trophies, feathers, Lego men and gator football! Sounds good to me!

 Notice the precise line up! They are proud of their creations!

Ben's trophies and swim meet ribbons. There is a civil war cannon and gun replica in there too. I could print my own search and find book!

I did not set this up- jeans and Boys' Life magazines... Notice the title- Call of the Wild! This caught my eye and made me run to get my IPhone in the first place!

What boys' life is complete without Star Wars Light Sabers!

Church pants and Nerf Guns!

They do read! I love the combo of Spiderwick and Seuss!

Mom, what are you doing?!

Cozy in the tee-pee remnants!

 Current drawings.. of what..I do not know!

Ben's idea of Cub Scout and Baseball uniform storage... heard of hangers Ben? :)

 As much as I loved the pictorial opportunity- we spent part of the morning before lunch tidying up. Sometimes the mess is too overwhelming for them. But they always help get it back in order. To them the above was their version of a clean room! The boys used to be in separate rooms and then Chloe needed some space upstairs. We decided to reduce and combine their two rooms. It really helps control the mess that would other wise be strewn across two bedrooms and the adjoining bathroom. After my IPhone fun I went next door to get little Coco (as Lily affectionately nicknamed her for us).

And of course this is why I came upstairs in the first place! Little Chloe was waiting for me patiently!

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